Hair, Make-Up, Fashion, Reviews, Hauls and FUN!

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I am beauty obsessed! I love anything beauty related and I am always looking to learn new tips. I love discovering new products and sharing them with everyone here on my blog!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Not gonna lie...

Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I have not been very disciplined over the past week! :( I did really well with my work outs at the beginning of last week, then I got busy and was not able to do my nightly routines. Then on Saturday, my friend had all of us over for dinner and it was so good so I ate way too much AND I drank soda! This is just getting worse lol. In my defense, my hip was hurting really badly from my side leg lifts that I was probably doing wrong so I couldn't really work out but it feels better now, so tonight I will start again!

I'm going to try drinking water when I get hungry so I don't eat junk food. I think there is an addictive agent in junk food and that when you stop eating it cold turkey you go through withdrawl. Maybe that is a bit extreem but it's hard to not eat any junk lol. Doesn't matter, I'm not going to do it!

Next thing is, James and I have been sick lately, him more then me. We came to the conclusion that it has to do with our apartment. So this weekend we are going to dust, vacume and steam clean the carpets to see if it makes any difference. I cannot wait to move out of that place!

So, here I go again, starting my non-stop working out everyday to get to my goal of 120 by summertime! PS: Me and my work BFF got new sunglasses, check them out! haha.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday sucked!

I had the worst day ever at work yesterday! I hate when that happens! So having the worst day on top of being super busy resulted in me forgetting to eat breakfast and lunch! When I got home, I worked out then made dinner and passed out watching James play Rock Band!

Even though yesterday was an off day on my workout schedule, I decided to work out anyway. I also made a change to my workout routine. 30 minutes on Your Shape and then 30 minutes on Wii Fit. I get a really good cardio workout with Your Shape and on Wii Fit I can really concentrate on my abs and my arms plus I really like doing the hula hoop, the boxing and the running (which I do with my free weights in my hands!) I think I'm going to get Wii Fit Plus!

For dinner, I made muscles in tomato and garlic sauce. It was so delicious! I had that for lunch today too. I went to Giant and got 10 for 10 grapefruits! So yummy! Now we have cantaloup, honey dew, apples, grapes and grapefruit to snack on!

I won't do another weigh in for another week because I think our scale is broken, or not working correctly or something weird. It tells me one weight and the wii fit scale tells me a different weight. We'll put that on hold!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Birthday Splurge

I have to report I have been bad! I celebrated my birthday this weekend! I'm 26 old old lady! I did not eat very healthy but I allowed myself to splurge! Now back to my mini boot camp. James brought home Your Shape for me on Friday and I did my first workout yesterday afternoon! It is so awesome, and I love it! I don't know why anyone would say bad things about it.

This is how it works. After you enter all of your information into the system and it scans your body, it creates a workout schedule for you. You have the option of changing the schedule as far as time and concentration but I left it as is for now. My schedule is Sat, Sun, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 30 minute workouts concentrating on cardio, upper body, core body and lower body. I plan to up the minutes after the first week. The game allows you to incorporate different things into the workouts so I use my 3 lb. weights to help tone my arms more. Yesterday, it kicked my butt! I was dripping in sweat...ew I know, sorry! But I think it will really work!

Side bar: On Friday night, I went to DC to celebrate my birthday with a bunch of friends and had the best time! Heaven and Hell never dissapoints me and that is why I love it there so much! New Moon came out on DVD yesterday, and my friend Ashley bought it for me for my birthday!!! Thanks, Ashley! (See, I mentioned you! haha!)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I cooked my first healthy dinner the other night. I got the recipe from Nicole (Thank you, Nicole!) I made lemon garlic chicken, asparagus sauteed in butter and garlic with a small serving of rice and a glass of water. It was really good. Last night I made chicken noodle soup with alphabet noodles, that was quite tasty as well!

I have been keeping up with my workouts. I'm really anxious to get Your Shape because I'm getting a little bored of the Wii Fit already :/ I was thinking about running on Sundays because James plays football on Sundays so instead of me just sitting there watching, I am going to run! Get some cardio in and really feel like I am getting some exercise! It would be nice to run more then once a week but I don't have the ideal situation to go running where I would feel safe since I would be alone. Maybe I'll get a tredmill...conundrum...I live in an apartment...would that make too much noise for the nerdy asians below us?? Hmm, maybe but who cares! Okay that was mean! haha

On a side note, tomorrow is my birthday! My co-workers just surprised me with a cake and a song and I got really embarrased, but it was a really nice surprise! I'm taking a day off of work to spend it with my handsome stud! Not really sure what we are going to do but it's supposed to be a beautiful day so hopefully we spend some of it outside. Then he is going to take me to the circus! I haven't been to the circus in years so I'm really excited!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Summer Preperations

One of my best friends is keeping a blog about her weight loss goal/progress and she has inspired me to do the same, with a different plan of action.

My goal is to loose 10 lbs. in the next 3 months. I got a Wii and a Wii Fit so I am going to be working out every night using that. James is going to get me "Your Shape" this coming Friday for my birthday so once I get that, I will start working that into my daily workouts as well. However, I have read mixed reviews for it so we'll see...I might just end up working out with Wii Fit/Fit Plus. I will also be using free weights to tone my arms as part of my routine.

I will be weighing myself once a week and posting my new weight weekly (which will hopefully be less then the previous week)! I have also taken before pictures which I will use for myself so I can visibly see any progress I am making. I will take pictures once a month so I can compare them to the final result. I will spare you by not sharing those, lol.

I haven't decided on my food diet yet but soda is out. I am only going to drink water for the entire next 3 months. We will be buying a lot more vegetables and fruit and I'm going to stay away from "junk" food. I'm thinking I will probably have a Breakfast Essentials shake in the mornings, French Vanilla flavor, very tasty! Then prepare small meals for myself to eat for lunch. Fast food and carry out will have to stop if I want to make any progress so dinners will have to be planned and cooked which means I will have to get better at cooking.

Here we go! No giving up!

Starting date: March 14, 2010
Starting weight: 130 lbs.
Goal weight: 120 lbs.

Goal time: 3 months