One of my best friends is keeping a blog about her weight loss goal/progress and she has inspired me to do the same, with a different plan of action.
My goal is to loose 10 lbs. in the next 3 months. I got a Wii and a Wii Fit so I am going to be working out every night using that. James is going to get me "Your Shape" this coming Friday for my birthday so once I get that, I will start working that into my daily workouts as well. However, I have read mixed reviews for it so we'll see...I might just end up working out with Wii Fit/Fit Plus. I will also be using free weights to tone my arms as part of my routine.
I will be weighing myself once a week and posting my new weight weekly (which will hopefully be less then the previous week)! I have also taken before pictures which I will use for myself so I can visibly see any progress I am making. I will take pictures once a month so I can compare them to the final result. I will spare you by not sharing those, lol.
I haven't decided on my food diet yet but soda is out. I am only going to drink water for the entire next 3 months. We will be buying a lot more vegetables and fruit and I'm going to stay away from "junk" food. I'm thinking I will probably have a Breakfast Essentials shake in the mornings, French Vanilla flavor, very tasty! Then prepare small meals for myself to eat for lunch. Fast food and carry out will have to stop if I want to make any progress so dinners will have to be planned and cooked which means I will have to get better at cooking.
Here we go! No giving up!
Starting date: March 14, 2010
Starting weight: 130 lbs.
Goal weight: 120 lbs.
Goal time: 3 months
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