Hair, Make-Up, Fashion, Reviews, Hauls and FUN!

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I am beauty obsessed! I love anything beauty related and I am always looking to learn new tips. I love discovering new products and sharing them with everyone here on my blog!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Definitely didn't go home on Friday night and sleep like I wanted to. Instead, I went to see Leap Year with a friend. It was your typical chick flick...just okay in my opinion. After that, I went home and zonked out until noon on Saturday. It was great! I can't remember anything else I did this weekend! Where is my memory?! Oh...I vegged out on Saturday until the football games, then it was football until Sunday night. Monday, I went to the National Museum of Health and Medicine. That was interesting to say the least. I only took a few pictures because some of the stuff in there was too weird! I posted a the least weird of the pictures.

After I started updating this blog, I started to realize this is basically a diary! Then I remembered how I kept a diary for most of high school until about a year after James and I started dating. I think it would be really interesting to read them again. I told James about them and he wants to read what I wrote about him...definitely not! :D birthday is coming up in 2 months. I thought about it and realized I am going to be more than 1/4 of a century old! What is going on here? How did I get to be 26 already? Not that 26 is that old or anything, it could be worse, my co-worker turned 34 today!

So excited....American Idol, Little Miss Perfect and Teen Mom come on tonight!

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