I am beauty obsessed! I love anything beauty related and I am always looking to learn new tips. I love discovering new products and sharing them with everyone here on my blog!
Definitely didn't go home on Friday night and sleep like I wanted to. Instead, I went to see Leap Year with a friend. It was your typical chick flick...just okay in my opinion. After that, I went home and zonked out until noon on Saturday. It was great! I can't remember anything else I did this weekend! Where is my memory?! Oh...I vegged out on Saturday until the football games, then it was football until Sunday night. Monday, I went to the National Museum of Health and Medicine. That was interesting to say the least. I only took a few pictures because some of the stuff in there was too weird! I posted a the least weird of the pictures.
After I started updating this blog, I started to realize this is basically a diary! Then I remembered how I kept a diary for most of high school until about a year after James and I started dating. I think it would be really interesting to read them again. I told James about them and he wants to read what I wrote about him...definitely not! :D
Oh...my birthday is coming up in 2 months. I thought about it and realized I am going to be more than 1/4 of a century old! What is going on here? How did I get to be 26 already? Not that 26 is that old or anything, it could be worse, my co-worker turned 34 today!
So excited....American Idol, Little Miss Perfect and Teen Mom come on tonight!
Thank you, Martin Luther King Jr. for being born on Monday, January 18th! Starting promptly at 5:30pm this evening, the three day weekend begins! Now, I just have to get through these 8 long hours. I wish I planned ahead and took the day off like the rest of my office!
I've decided that I am going to grow my hair out! But it needed some TLC so I went to the Paul Mitchell School in Tyson's Corner last night and got a trim from a student. Even though they make you sign a waiver before the cut, which can throw up a red flag, they actually do a pretty good job AND it only costs $12! Awesome!
Last night, I watched part of this movie called "Thirst". It is basically a rated R Korean version of Twilight...it was weird. I didn't get to finish it because James and I went to the midnight viewing of The Book of Eli which I really liked, in an odd way. It had an interesting twist at the end that made you think back about the entire movie. It will make watching it again interesting.
This week I have been really bad at going to bed at a reasonable time...resulting in endless exhaustion. Last night I went to sleep at 4am (stupid midnight release!) and I'm paying for it now! Tonight I am going home and sleeping! It's going to be a great Friday night. :D
On Monday night, I decided it was time to go get my cars oil changed. So I went to the Honda dealership and got the hook-up from my friend Edgar who works there! He always gets me in and out so fast! I love it except for the fact that I'm so oblivious, that I didn't realize that he checked all of my lights and didn't turn my headlights back on. So I started driving down the road with no lights on. Out of nowhere, I hear this really loud man's voice, and no joke, I thought it was coming from inside of my car so it scared me...then I heard it again, and saw a cop drive up next to me and he goes "TURN YOUR HEADLIGHTS ON" on his loud speaker. So I turned them on, waved at him and he floored it onto the highway. I was so glad I didn't get a ticket, but I was really blown that I didn't notice the headlights to begin with. He was probably thinking what a stupid woman I am. Oh gosh! lol.
James and I are trying to think of hobbies that we can do together once the weather starts warming up. I think we are going to get bikes so we can bike on trails on weekends! We also talked about starting the P90X workouts but those are so killer, I don't know if I could survive it! We want to get a bunch of friends together to play ultimate frisbee too!As for personal hobbies for myself, I sorta want to learn how to play the guitar and I also want to learn how to paint!
Oh yeah, I started reading this book called Dreamland by Sarah Dessen. I'm only a few pages in but so far it seems pretty good.
This winter has been painfully cold...I'd like more snow when it's going to be this cold outside, please! Not much has been going on though. I took the semester off from school, so I have had more time to read, guilt free! I finished the Twilight Saga, which was recommended by my friends and was really good! I just finished The Lovely Bones, which was really good too. Now, I'm looking for another good one...The Hunger Games has been suggested to me, but I don't know what it's about so I'll have to investigate.
I finally went to IKEA annnd I love it! I ended up getting a new bed, pretty exciting!