I just happened to stumble upon this blog site and decided to start my own blog. I don't even think anyone will see this but it's still neat to have a place to write down the happenings of my days. Since this is my first blog, I'll put in a little about me. As I mention in my "About me" section, I love shabby chic. I hope to one day inhabit my own cottage and live in a state of shabby chic euphoria. I'm lucky in the sense that my boyfriend could care less about how I decorate, so I am free with no restraints to decorate as I please! When I was younger, I had an initial intrigue with crocheting and recently decided to learn. It's surprisingly very easy, however, I find the patterns hard to read. Right now, I am working on making a baby blanket for a friend...I'll post a picture when I finish! I have a cat named Kitty that I adopted from PetSmart. To this day I have no idea why, but Kitty hates me with a burning passion, I can see it in his eyes! haha. He absolutley adores my boyfriend and I call them boyfriends. What I really want is a dog...someday :(
I am happy fall has started. I also love decorating for Halloween and all of that fun geeky stuff.
I am in the works of planning a surprise birthday party for my boyfriend. I've never tried planning something like this so I am crossing my fingers and praying for success. I'll let you know how it turns out, if it turns out.
My friend Bethany's birthday is tomorrow and I'm baking her a layered Funfetti cake and decorating it. It will be featured at her surprise party so I hope it doesn't turn out looking like a mess!
I suppose that is all for the moment while I wait for the hands on the clock to continue there slow crawl to my favorite time of the day...5:30!!! Here's a pic of my favorite cat on the planet, Callie!
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