I'm getting ready for a busy next couple of weeks! This weekend, I'm celebrating two gratuations and a birthday which will take up the entire weekend! Drinks tonight to celebrate Ashley's deliverance from college!!! Orioles game tomorrow night with the gang for Johnny's birthday! Then I get to reunite with some old friends on Sunday to celebrate April's graduation and VERY recent engagement! My best friend Nicole is graduating this weekend too!!! So....congratulations Ashley, April and Nicole! I'm really proud of what you ladies have accomplished! (: Next weekend, I am going to a wedding on Saturday and then leaving first thing Sunday morning for Ocean City for a long awaited week of relaxation with my love! I'm so excited and I cannot wait!
Oh! Fun fact! Last night James tried calling DC101 for the last set of Chili Cook Off tickets and he WON!!! He was even on the radio! It was pretty cool, especially considering how unlucky he claims to always be! haha. Good job bb!
So, onto other stuff. I have recently fallen inlove with the youtube beauty community! I have learned some really helpful make-up tips and I have also learned about new products that I have been loving lately. I have so many new favorite products thanks to the gurus on youtube. I was thinking about creating my own channel but I don't really know....The picture at the top is the start of my favorites for spring/summer - From left to right: Light as Air, Refresh Mint, Yellow Kitty! I just realized the Refresh Mint looks like it has a hair-do because of the make-up brush behind it! haha.Some bad news...my workout routine died about a month ago lol. It's sad and I'm going to have to revive it again soon but in the mean time........8 more days until the beach and 2 hours until the weekend begins!!!! (: